What Kind of Mood Are You In Today?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My First Payment

First, I have a correction to make. In my post about the SECOND time I drove off with the gas pump still attached to my car, I said that the owner chased my car down and grabbed the pump. I learned today that it was not the owner but an employee. The kind of employee who is looking out for the best interest of his company, apparantly.

Second, the owner did not want to have his picture taken. I didn't even get the question all the way out before he said, "No...no, I don't want to." I don't think he wants to be seen with me.

Third, he did agree to let me pay him weekly according to how much I make on this blog, but no less than $75/month. Let's see if this blog gets to $75 this month! Wouldn't that be something?

Fourth, I have some pictures for you. I took some of the very pump that I damaged. I did not drive off with the pump this time. :)

Last, I just want to say thank you for reading this crazy stuff! I have three different programs tracking my blog and gathering stats for me. The one I trust most is Google's. So far I've had readers from 4 countries and 96 cities worldwide. Facebook plays a huge part of that, and in many of the cities I can guess who is visiting the blog, but some I have no clue. I reached 1400 hits today. Of those 1400 hits, 187 are absolute unique visitors. As far as I can tell, that means there have been 187 people that have visited my blog. WOW! And obviously many are returning. This is far from huge, but much bigger than I expected. I just didn't think that more than 20 people would even stop by, much less return. All I can say is...well, I'm speechless.

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